dinsdag 19 april 2011

Police is looking for stalker footballer Rio Ferdinand

England and Manchester United Footballer Rio Ferdinand is stalked by a woman called Susanne Ibru. Macclesfield Magistrates' Court convicted the woman in her absence of harassment of the footballer and his family. Miss Ibru walked out of court, when she had heard that she could not question the footballer’s wife, because of the birth of a daughter. However the judge convicted miss Ibru for harassing and the police is now hunting for her. Miss Ibru denied her culpability and claims that she visited the footballer’s house about four or five times and that it was not harassment. Miss Ibru has not been in contact with the police yet.

I think it is a funny story all in all. You do not hear often that somebody walks out of court and take the risks of doing that for granted! Maybe the woman is mentally not all right, because she stalked the footballer and did not respect court. I can understand that it is for the footballer less a funny story and that stalking can be very irritating and sometimes even dangerous. Probably the police will find the woman soon. I am curious about the outcome.


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