zaterdag 16 april 2011

Passive smoking risk for pregnancy

The University of Nottingham researched pregnant women who did not smoke, but were passive smokers due to their proximity to a partner who smoked or work colleagues who smoked. The researchers have concluded that passive smoking increases the risk of stillbirth by 23% and of having a baby with defects by 13%. The findings of the research are based on 19 previous studies from around the world, North America, South America, Asia and Europe. If a woman is exposed to more than 10 cigarettes a day that is enough for the risks to be increased. According to Andrew Shennan, professor of obstetrics at St. Thomas' Hospital in London and spokesperson for baby charity Tommy's, women should be made aware of the possible risks of passive smoking and alert other women of this matter.

People already knew that passive smoking is not healthy and maybe even worse than smoking , but the findings from the research above shocked me a little bit. I can not believe that we did not knew this yet. Imagine how many pregnant women have exposed themselves to passive smoking without knowing  that it is also dangerous for their baby’s health. I am glad that it is not possible anymore to smoke in public  spaces. We are a little bit more protected now.

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